How to Treat Lice?

Lice at home or outbreak at school? Read on to learn how to get rid of lice using Nix® products!

If this is your first experience with lice (lucky you!), don’t worry Nix® has you covered! We offer everything from lice shampoo and lice removal combs to lice treatment and prevention kits to help you get rid of head lice, their eggs and superlice and prevent them from coming back. 

To understand how to identify lice, check out our page “What are Head Lice?” before taking the steps below – otherwise let’s get started!

  • If you suspect your child has head lice, don’t panic! Here are a few easy steps to learn how to check for lice. Once you’re sure your child has lice, it's time to break out the Nix®.

  • Apply Nix Ultra® All-in-One Shampoo to dry hair, completely saturating the hair and scalp. Ensure coverage behind ears and on nape of neck. Leave shampoo in hair for 10 minutes. 

    Depending on your preference, you can instead use Nix Ultra® Lice Treatment Solution and Nix® Creme Rinse.

  • Nix® is safe and non-toxic but care should be taken to avoid contact with eyes. Protect eyes with a washcloth or towel. Follow instructions on the packaging about how to properly wash the product from the hair. 

  • Use the Nix® lice removal comb to remove lice and nits (lice eggs). (Note: the Nix® Electronic Lice Comb, should only be used on dry hair before any solutions are applied).

    Part hair into four sections. Comb one section at a time. Start at top of head. Lift a 1-2 inch wide section of hair. Place teeth of comb as close to scalp as possible and comb with firm, even motion away from scalp to the end of the hair. Use clips to pin back each section of combed hair.

    Clean comb during use by wiping lice and nits onto clean tissue or dry paper towel. Discard tissue or paper towel into sealable plastic bag to prevent lice from escaping. After combing, recheck the entire head for lice and nits. Seal and discard plastic bag containing nits and lice.

    Check hair after 7 days. If lice or nits are present, repeat steps 1-3.

  • Next, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t any lice lingering in your home. Wash all bedding, hats, clothing and stuffed animals. Use the Nix® Lice Killing Spray on items that cannot be washed in hot water, such as furniture, carpets and car seats. 

  • Once the lice are gone, or if there is another outbreak at your child’s school or camp, use the Nix® Lice Prevention Daily Leave-In Spray to keep lice away.

    The Nix® Lice Prevention Daily Leave-In Spray is safe for everyday use even before outbreaks and helps to condition and detangle hair. To use, spray the product liberally onto washed towel-dried hair or dry hair up to two times daily. 

    It’s so easy to use – simply spray and go!